Puppin D., Silvestri F., Perego R., Baeza-Yates R.
Load-Balancing and Caching for Collection Selection Architectures
Infoscale 2007, June 6-8, 2007, Suzhou.
Puppin D., Silvestri F. The Query-Vector Document
Model. CIKM 2006, Arlington, VA, November 2006. |
Puppin D., Silvestri F. The Social Network of Java Classes
SAC '06, April 23-27, 2006, Dijon, France - Track on Object-Oriented Systems.
Puppin D., Silvestri F., Laforenza D.
Query-Driven Document Partitioning and Collection Selection
Infoscale 2006, May 30-June 1, 2006, Hong Kong.
Puppin D., Moncelli S., Baraglia R., Tonellotto N., Silvestri F. A Grid Information Service Based on Peer-to-Peer in Proceedings of EuroPar2005. Springer LNCS 2648/2005.
Puppin D., Stephenson M., Lee W., Amarasinghe S., Convergent scheduling. Journal on Instruction Level Parallelism, JILP, 2004. Link to the on-line issue.
Silvestri F., Puppin D., Laforenza D., Orlando S. Toward a search engine for software components. IEEE Web Intelligence (Beijing, China, September 20-24, 2004). IEEE, 2004. | |
Puppin D., Tonellotto N., Laforenza D. Using web services to run distributed numerical applications. 11th EuroPVM/MPI 2004 (Budapest, 19-22 settembre 2004). Springer LNCS 3241/2004
Aldinucci M., Campa S., Coppola M,, Danelutto M., Laforenza D., Puppin D., Scarponi L., Vanneschi M. Components for high-performance grid programming in Grid.IT "Component Models and Systems for Grid Applications", edited by Vladimir Getov and Thilo Kielmann, Springer, 2004 | |
Puppin D., Stephenson M., Amarasinghe S., Martin M., O'Reilly U.M. Adapting convergent scheduling using machine-learning. Language and Compilers for Parallel Computing (College Station, TX, USA, November 2003). Springer LNCS 2958/2004 |  |
Lee W., Puppin D., Swenson S., Amarasinghe S. Convergent Scheduling. 35th IEEE/ACM Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture MICRO-35 (Istanbul, Nov 18-22, 2002)
Puppin D. Convergent Scheduling. Master's Thesis, MIT EECS, Dec. 2002. | |
Puppin D., Tullsen D. Maximizing TLP with Loop-Parallelization on SMT. MTEAC-5 (Austin, TX, December 2001). | |