Chiara Renso
Senior Researcher at ISTI-CNR
PhD in Computer Science from University of Pisa in 1998
Dr. Chiara Renso
(Female, Google Scholar H-index is 36, Scopus H-index 25 at February 2024, ORCID 0000-0002-1763-2966) is a senior researcher at the ISTI Institute of CNR (Italy) holding a Master and a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Pisa. She published more than 100 peer reviewed publications in the area of mobility data mining, machine learning and and artificial intelligence methods for mobility data, analysis of geolocated social media, semantic enrichment of trajectory data, privacy in mobility data. The focus is addressing interesting, often yet unsolved problems, related to the enrichment, representation, analysis of semantic rich trajectory data, also considering privacy and ethical aspects. She has been the coordinator of national, International and European Commission projects. Recently, she has been the European coordinator of a H2020-MSCA-RISE project called MASTER on multiple aspects trajectories management and analysis (2018-2023).
She has been local chair of the IEEE ICDM conference in 2008, local co-chair of the SIGIR conference in 2016. She has been co-chair of the workshops: SADM 2008, SADM 2009, SADM 2010 in conjunction with ICDM conference editions. She has been co-chair of three editions of the Workshop on Big Mobility Data Analytics (BMDA) held in conjunction with EDBT 2019, EDBT 2020, EDBT2021 and three editions of FATES on the Web – International Workshop on Fairness, Accountability, Transparency, Ethics and Society on the Web – in conjunction with The Web Conference. She is co-chair of the special track “Web4Good”at The Web Conference 2022. She has been Workshop Chair of IEEE Mobile Data Management Conference 2020. She has been co-organizer of the Dagstuhl seminar “Mobility Data Mining: from Technical to Ethical”. She has been co-chair of the Summer school ”DSM: Data Science for Mobility”. She is General Co-chair of 25th IEEE Mobile Data Management Conference.
She is co-chair of “Opinion” section of Communications of the ACM. She is in the Editorial Board of the International Journal of GIS (Taylor & Francis). She is in the board of the PhD program of Computer Science of the University of Pisa.
She has been expert evaluator for the European Commission.
She has been Coordinator of the project MASTER (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017 |2018-2023 – contract N. 777695).
MASTER was a EC funded under the H2020 Marie-Slodowska Curie actions as the RISE funding scheme. The objective is to form an international and inter-sectoral network of organisations working on a joint research programme to define new methods to build, manage and analyse multiple aspects semantic trajectories. We propose methods to analyze and infer knowledge from multiple aspects trajectories, considering as vital issues the privacy and big data dimensions.
She has been recently involved in European Projects:
MobiDataLab was the EU-funded lab for prototyping new mobility data sharing solutions. Our aim is to foster data sharing in the transport sector, providing mobility organising authorities with recommendations on how to improve the value of their data, contributing to the development of open tools in the cloud, and organising hackathons aiming to find innovative solutions to concrete mobility problems.
Recent selected publications
- Y Santos, R Giuliani, T Portela, C Renso, J Carvalho. MAT-CA: a tool for Multiple Aspect Trajectory Clustering Analysis. Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Methods for Enriched Mobility Data: Emerging issues and Ethical perspectives 2023
- Y J. Haranwala, G Spadon, C Renso, A Soares: A data augmentation algorithm for trajectory data. Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Methods for Enriched Mobility Data: Emerging issues and Ethical perspectives 2023
- C Pugliese, F Lettich, F Pinelli, C Renso: Summarizing Trajectories Using Semantically Enriched Geographical Context. Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
- N Koutroumanis, C Doulkeridis, C Renso, M Nanni, R Perego: TrajParquet: A trajectory-oriented column file format for mobility data lakes. Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
- F Lettich, C Pugliese, C Renso, F Pinelli: Semantic Enrichment of Mobility Data: A Comprehensive Methodology and the MAT-BUILDER System. IEEE Access
- Mahmoud Attia Sakr, Cyril Ray, Chiara Renso: Big mobility data analytics: recent advances and open problems. GeoInformatica 26(4): 541-549 (2022)
- Salman Haidri, Yaksh J. Haranwala, Vania Bogorny, Chiara Renso, Vinicius Prado da Fonseca, Amílcar Soares: PTRAIL – A python package for parallel trajectory data preprocessing. SoftwareX 19: 101176 (2022)
- Ana Paula Ramos de Souza, Chiara Renso, Raffaele Perego, Vania Bogorny: MAT-Index: An index for fast multiple aspect trajectory similarity measuring. Trans. GIS 26(2): 691-716 (2022)
- Chiara Pugliese, Francesco Lettich, Chiara Renso, Fabio Pinelli: MAT-Builder: a System to Build Semantically Enriched Trajectories. MDM 2022: 274-277
- Tarlis Tortelli Portela, Vania Bogorny, Anna Bernasconi, Chiara Renso: AUTOMATISE: Multiple Aspect Trajectory Data Mining Tool Library. MDM 2022: 282-285
- Bettina Berendt, Stan Matwin, Chiara Renso, Fran Meissner, Francesca Pratesi, Alessandra Raffaetà, Geoffrey Rockwell: Mobility Data Mining: from Technical to Ethical (Dagstuhl Seminar 22022). Dagstuhl Reports 12(1)
Full list of publications: DBLP ( and Scholar (
Full list of publications: DBLP ( and Scholar (
I co-edited the book:
Mobility Data: Modeling, Management, and Understanding
Chiara Renso, Stefano Spaccapietra, Christine Parent
Cambridge Press