Chiara Pugliese
Graduate Fellow

Chiara Pugliese is a researcher at Cnr-Iit and Cnr-Isti in Pisa, Italy. She holds her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Pisa in February 2025, focusing on advanced methods for the semantic enrichment and summarization of mobility data. Her expertise includes designing and evaluating innovative models, with a particular emphasis on summarizing semantically enriched mobility data. Chiara is passionate about leveraging cutting-edge technologies to create impactful and sustainable solutions for complex challenges. Currently, her research focuses on using deep learning and large language models to analyze urban dynamics and represent semantically enriched data.
She co-organized the 1st International Workshop on the Impact of Algorithms and Services on the Urban Ecosystem (MAURO) at the 25th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2024). She is also co-organizing the 1st International Workshop on Generative AI for Mobility Data (GenAI4MoDa), which will be held at the 26th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2025). Additionally, she is co-chairing the Theses and Dissertations Workshop track at SSTD 2025.
Chiara actively contributes to the research community as a Program Committee member for several conferences and workshops in her field, including SSTD, ECML PKDD, ECIR, and BMDA.
Recent selected publications
Rocchietti, Guido; Pugliese, Chiara; Rangel, Gabriel Sartori; Carvalho, Jonata Tyska; From Geolocated Images to Urban Region Identification and Description: a Large Language Model Approach. Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. 557-560. 2024
Lettich, Francesco; Pugliese, Chiara; Renso, Chiara; Pinelli, Fabio; Semantic Enrichment of Mobility Data: A Comprehensive Methodology and the MAT-BUILDER System. IEEE Access. 2023